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1 Year Later Its Back... Yeah Ok, Peer-Pressured Once Again

Hello again people. Well the day started off as any other. Waking up at about 9.30 to an empty house inside my little personal sauna that i also call my bedroom. Came online on messenger in the early afternoon and was chatting to an old mate, who kindly reminded me of my old blogs that i used to have on those space things. Last one having been written on 15th July 2005... and there wernt a hell of a lot of them. I was accused of a lack dedication, so here i am on blogspot (I know quite alot of people who are on here and also its easier for me to log into than my other one). Think back, when was the last time i was peer-pressured in joining something... oh yeah, myspace just a matter of months ago. If you read my first few comments on there you'll see how happy people were when i gave in to them. Anyhow, im here now but i cant guarantee that i'll keep it up but i'll try. Off out to the cinema with and old Latymerian friend in about an hour or so, so i'll leave you people to continue with your lives.

Till the next episode... -x-

Haha, knew you would give in eventually again! xxx

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About me

  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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