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"Cheap Shop"

Had a fairly long lie-in this morning, though it took me a while to get to sleep last night. There was a party two doors up and some nice ******* decided to start playing drum and bass music at 1.30am.

Went to the market earlier, bought lots of food and drink and stuff. In fact I liked that film xXx2: The Next Level to the point that i bought it today. We came across a fantastically named shop too. "Cheap Shop", as illustrated in the picture. Well... thats Walthamstow Market for ya, at least you know they arent lying. And yes they did just sell cheap crap that no-one will really want to buy. Also, we discovered that Woolworths had commenced selling Christmas decorations. ITS JULY!!! Its about as far from Christmas as you can get! Ah well, at least they're cheap. Also popped into Blue*inc to see the new ranges and catch up with my old work collegue, Shahin, who had moved from the Stratford branch (where i worked) to the Walthamstow branch.

Well what more do i say? After shopping and a little abit of driving in the Toyota Avensis, i didnt have much else to do. Was just watching tv for a while but then went and lay on my bed for a while. Doing so i had time to think about how my life is going and how its been. Not good really, in fact it really upset me in a way. Seeking company on msn for a while i got talking to a few really good friends, and one of them came up with a really great quote. She said i was like a broken clock. I was puzzled, but then she continued "Even a broken clock is right twice a day". I like that quote :D. Though im just not so sure if its really true (well obviously im not actually a broken clock, but im talking about the metaphor). Its difficult to know who really is there for you and who isnt, but its nice to know at least some people are.

Looks like im gonna be extremely busy for the rest of these holidays which makes a change. I have word from the man himself that Alex Rapley (or Vinny to many) will be holding a birthday bash in 2 weeks which should be great, especially if it tops the April shindig. Looking forward to it. Also visiting friends, trip to the Lake district for a week, possible holiday to Eastern Spain, returning to Reading on a number of occassions...

Anyway, i've spent long enough writing this now. Till the next episode - x -

About me

  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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