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Two Christenings And A Football Match

Hi people. This weekend has been a very busy one, makes a change. Saturday started off with abit of tennis playing before going home and getting ready to go out again. Went to the baptism of my two little cousins, Naomi and Gabriel in the evening. Im now god-father of Naomi. Puts my tally of god-daughters up to 3, alongside Bethany and Zoe. Was a great day, and they were well behaved... most of the time. Naomi decided to go crawling through benches and kept removing her shoes to play with them. Was a good ceremony and was a nice church. Went back to their house afterwards for dinner, including the traditional West Indies / Caribbean food - curried goat! lol. Some pictures from the day are on my bebo site which can be accessed using the link to the right of the page or by clicking here: bizz-markie.bebo.com. Lots of kids running round to look after too. Spent the night there, to save me from having to get the bus back the following day.

Following day, after waking up in the late morning and getting ready, me, my aunt and uncle jumped on a 279 bus down to Tottenham to watch the Spurs v Inter match at White Hart Lane. 36,000 sell-out crowd and the atmosphere was fantastic. And im loving the new spurs 3rd kit. Chocolate brown and gold!! Mmmm! Slightly disappointed that Adriano didnt play but was still a great match. First half saw a Tainio shot deflect off a defender and end up in the back of the net, but then Martins equalised for Inter just before half-time, slotting in a parried shot. Was funny coz when Inter scored everyone in our block was quiet and sat down (as you'd expect), but one guy, obviously an Inter fan stood up clapping and cheering with a massive smile on his face. One guy in a sea of Spurs fans... ive spent the rest of the day wondering if he ever did make it out of the stadium alive. Tainio then scored a beautiful curler from about 20 yards with about 10 mins to go. Final score 2-1 to spurs! Woooo! Again, i have pictures on bebo which can be accessed here: bizz-markie.bebo.com. Getting back afterwards was a mission as all the roads were packed tight. Lots of walking then... nice. But i was too in a good mood to care... makes a change really doesnt it.

One good weekend is not enough to change the way im feeling overall though. I dunno, whats the matter hey? Who knows, a whole lotta stuff. What do i do. Give up? Looking more and more likely now but like i said before, who knows. I dont. My trust in people is being compromised, only people i can really 100% say i believe in at the moment are my younger cousins. Hence why i love spending so much time with them.

Back to Reading on Wednesday with my best mate Alex to pick up my keys to the house and maybe go cinema or something. Then its his birthday bash on the following Monday, when i can hopefully catch up with fellow ex-Latymerians and have a good time. Then back to Reading on 8th August. Possibly in Reading AGAIN on saturday 12th to catch up with the C3 crew... ahem, i mean Brighton Road and Grange Avenue crew (sorry guys if i dont make it). Then i'll be in Newcastle on 13th and 14th August (or two other days around then) to see a good friend i havnt seen in years! Which should be good. Then on 16th August im off on holiday to Barcalona for a week. Big gap till 16th September when im off to the Lake District for a week which should see me up till when i move into the house in Reading to stay. Oh, and i should see Jodie at some point in Portsmouth, i havnt forgotten. 3 years goes quick, lol! Also requests from Oxford, Sheerness, Birmingham (well... near Birmingham). Geez, i dont really have the time or the funds for all this. Especially the funds.

Anyway... if you do hear from me again, till the next episode, if not then i doubt you really care anyway. I wonder how many people will actually read this? Better still, who will read it and care? Im rambling again, bye! - x -

"My trust in people is being compromised, only people i can really 100% say i believe in at the moment are my younger cousins. Hence why i love spending so much time with them."
Thanks, I feel so loved here!

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About me

  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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