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Sun, Sea And Sand... But Without The Sun... Or The Sea

Whats Going On In My Head Tonight
Still not really feeling at all great, but im a tiny bit more optimistic about the future. My life is like a see-saw, ive been on the downer so now im just waiting for the... erm upper? Its times like these that real good friends make a difference, and luckily for me i do have real good friends. Theyre there for me and i'll always be there from them. Ive listened to this song (among many others) alot lately and the words are a good way to describe how ive felt and feeling. As well as being a great song by Boyz II Men, its great lyrics to listen to when you feel down and need something to spark you into trying to bounce back, we'll have to wait and see if i do:

"I've been wandering round, in the dark
Been lost somewhere where no light could shine on my heart
I have known a pain so deep
But I know my faith will free me
And I'll get through this
I'll find my way again
So don't tell me that it's over
'Cause each step just gets me closer
I will get there"

"Well, the night is cold and dark
But somewhere the sun is shining
And I'll feel it shine on me
I'll keep trying, I'll keep trying"

The song is "I Will Get There" and is from the film "The Prince of Egypt", made by Dreamworks - the same makers as Shrek 2! I used to think it was by disney... but its not it seems.

The Events Of Today
Today i returned to the beautiful town of Reading for the day (you may think "beautiful? has he been taking something?", but its an aquired taste. I love Reading, and i now have a home there :D (well rented). Met my mate Alex (or Vinny to those of you who went to Latymer) at Walthamstow Central at 11. He arrived 20 mins early so he must have been eager to see the beautiful town. Took the underground (Walthamstow - Kings Cross on Victoria line and Kings Cross - Paddington on Hammersmith and City line) and then jumped on the train to Reading. All pretty straight forward as ive done the journey a million times before, though we were careful to avoid 1st class as last time i was kicked out of first class by the ticket inspector. Arrived in Reading and after popping to the bank we took the scenic route towards the house. Went past Wells Hall (which has people staying there despite it supposedly being permanantly closed due to fire hazards) which brought a tear to my eye, then through the campus and round the lake before arriving at 5 Fulcher Row. Theres alot of building work going on at the union, apparently they're re-furbishing, but does that really require a digger, other heavy machinery and a pile of rubble outside the building?
Arriving there we found that it would be a little while longer before the landlord would arrive so me and Alex went to the local pub to shoot some pool. Somehow i lost...twice. An hour later and we were in the house checking things out, taking measurements etc. Conveniently the kitchen is already completely stocked up with cutlery and bowls and cups and stuff, and the last tenants were even kind enough to leave some (i say some but it could probably last us about a week!) food in the freezer. My room actually looked bigger than i remember it being when i was last there (still isnt all that big though, just is in comparison to my room at home) and i cant wait to move in. Feeling rather lazy we took the number 17 bus back to town and spent time there and in the beloved Vue. By the Oracle next to the river i noticed something new, there was a rather cool looking giant sand pit with palm plants next to it. Id say they were palm trees but they were rather short to warrant that label. Anyway, we headed back later on, hitting rush-hour with great precision, and made our compulsory purchases at Krispy Kremes. Hung around back in London for a while before returning back home.
Exciting! Well i thought it was anyway. Well, take care people, till the next episode - x -

About me

  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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