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Party Victim

Hello again people. Apart from feeling pretty ill right now, im in a pretty good mood for once. "Yay" i hear you all cry! Now all i need to do is get rid of this stomach ache. Any suggestions? Quickly too, im supposed to be off to Reading in like an hour or so to "work" a couple of hours and come back.

Yesterday was pretty incredible, met up with Alex, Annie and her friends outside Burger King in Kings Cross station, then waited for some more people to arrive before jumping on the tube to Westminster station. After a quick pop into Maccy D's, we dilly-dallied for a while before we decided we were going to go on the London Eye. They dont call it a "ride" on the London Eye, they call it a "flight". Abit worrying that, its like the pods could just take off at any moment! Well that was till we discovered that the price was £13 each! Yeah we passed on that idea. After some picture-taking, the 9 of us jumped back on the tube to Covent Garden, where you can discover some of the most expensive cafe's and restaurants in the uk. One that we stopped at automatically add 12.5% tip to your bill!!! I dont think so somehow. There were also these people dressed up as statues and they really did look like they were statues! They did an incredible job of staying perfectly still. After abit of wondering around it was 3pm, so we headed back to Walthamstow Central on the underground. Went into Asda and bought some alcohol and then took it up to Alex's house. Once there the guys just chilled and the girls started getting ready... as they do.

Annie and I decided to make some punch and it turned out to be quite a fantastic punch... despite the highly unattractive colour that it was. Its a shame that we didnt keep a recipe. All i remember is that it contained: vodka, malibu, bacardi breezer, orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, pineapple chunks, grapefruit juice, grapefruit chunks. When that ran out we decided to make another batch, however this time we didnt quite have the same ingredients and we botched it up kinda. It was a hell of a lot stronger and didnt quite taste as nice. Thats what destroyed alot of people by the end of the night, including me. Priya egging people on to get drunk didnt help either. Then the crew started to arrive about 8.30pm. All in all there was probably about 25 of us there, coz alot of people dropped out with lame excuses like they have work in the morning or theyre in Asia. Fahad on the other hand was just lazy.

By about 11pm the punch had gotten to me and i had to go upstairs to the bathroom (the downstairs one was occupied by Hanif who was also an unsuspecting victim of the punch). Dan Addis had taken the one on the top floor, and for some reason decided to lock himself in there all night long. At this stage i thought it was best to stay by the loo so i just lay on the floor there for a about 45 mins. Thats until Lindsay came looking for me, and she stayed there with me on the bathroom floor chatting for about another 2 hours so that i had some company. How nice is that? By time i felt confident enough in myself enough to leave the bathroom many of the people that were going home had gone. Though the house then became a temporary hotel, many people just crashing there for the night. All the beds were taken by now, so the floor it was!

Barely slept at all during the night, chatted for a little while longer. Got up in the morning (was abit to dazed to establish what the time was), and about 10 something i went with the others to Walthamstow Central and said an emotional good-bye and returned to Alex. My mouth was extremely dry so i bought a can of fanta. BIG mistake! Set back my recovery by abit longer as that made me feel quite a bit worse. After spending some more time at Alex i finally came back home an collapsed on my bed with the mother of all stomach illnesses. All in all it was a great time! Though im supposed to be going to Reading like any time now, but i might have to pass on that.

Pictures will be added another time. Lots of new friends, memories and alcohol stains. Lol, til the next episode - x -

About me

  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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