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Smile Like Your Teeth Light Up The Room! (9/3/07)

Crikey, its been a while once again since ive written anything on here. Much has happened since i last blogged. Snow, various eventful nights out with my geography peeps, thoughts of leaving uni (still possible of leaving for the TA, but who knows)! Loads of building work going on at home, and ive finally lost my bedroom, lol. All my stuffs sitting in cardboard boxes in a garage. Plus side however is that i get to design my room how i want it! Stressed me out abit, packing all my belongings up in a day and a half, but its all cool now. Ive been in a bouncy mood lately, people keep saying that my smile has come out of hiding. YES IT HAS! And im determined to keep it, which is working so far.

Unfortunately i wont be going to manchester this week to party, but i will (should be) going up at the start of March. Catch up with Alex, and see someone i aint seen since... August (with any luck) and PARTY... well it is what i do best! Lets see if what they have in Mankyland can beat the likes of 3sixty, Q bar, Fez, and Walkabout (Risa's not too bad, but certainly none of the many other places in Reading are worth mentioning). Already starting to make plans for my birthday...kinda, even though its ages away. We'll see what happens. It'll be on a friday, how lucky is that? One reason the Ding is better than Mankyland (Reading & Manchester, duh) is that we had snow and they didnt! Im such a kid! Snowball fight, got hit on the way to lecture on the side of the head, before later socking Paul Drummond on the ear with my first shot. Couldnt have aimed it better if it had a guidance system! And i need not mention the snowman on the field by Whiteknights lake and Bridges Hall, its famous now. Very impressive i think, good 8-9 feet in height!

The Wokingham Road Subway is now taking shape, theyve put the signs up now and everything! Im so gonna be there for all my meals! Well when i eat, and i wish people would stop pushing me over that, so ive lost weight lately!...Im going off on a rant, lol, anyway...Subway rules and im just happy to have one virtually at the end of my road!

Ok, I have to mention the "House of Skirt" somewhere so here it is. House of girls on Addington Road, impressed with the house parties. In fact, best house parties ive been to so far me thinks. To throw 2 in one week (Sat 3rd Feb & Wed 7th Feb) is great effort! Ive gotten drunk to much lately, hehe, but its been good fun. Taking a step back for a while to let my liver recover!

Well, in the words of Porky Pig, abedabedabeda thats all folks!

About me

  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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