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The Latymer Reunion

Day started off as any other... me having a lie-in and skipping breakfast. Then went up to Alex's house before going to cineworld in enfield where we met up with Smithers and Andrew. Went to see Severance. Was a slow-starting film, but things improved and it turned out to be a really great film. Its a horror/thriller, but also a comedy. Somehow they made it a serious film and a comedy at the same time without forcing it into that rubbish void inbetween. Has some fantastic moments though i wont ruin it for you, you just gotta go see it. Only if you dont mind lots of blood and gore though, hehe. Tho i will say theres a hilarious moment involving some bad guys, a bazooka, and a jet plane. Thats all i'll say. Its an attempt to encourage you to go see the film.

Then went to get some chips before raiding Smithers' house. After an episode of the Simpsons on Sky One we headed off to the Salisbury Arms pub where there were already a few people there. Soon more and more people arrived and we soon had about 25-30 of us ex-Latymerians taking over the pub. Was a great night. Lets see if i can remember who was there: Me, Alex R, Smithers, Andrew, Hanif, Flannel, Sarah D, Sarah B, Tobi, Iggy, Ruben, Olly, Amira, Addis, Gareth, Zoe, Sophia, Artemis, Alex C, Reece, Monty, Poj, Eddie, Sof, Briony... there were probably a few more but i cant remember at the moment. Had a great time remembering the good old times at Latymer and catching up on what people are up to nowadays. Were there till closing time - about 11.15ish and me, Alex, Addis, and Gareth went and found a kebab shop for food before walking 20-30 mins to Enfield Town. There me and Alex found we had missed the last 313 bus so we knew we were in a for a hell of a difficult detour home. Managed to catch the last 192 bus though which took us to Tottenham Hale station. Although it was a long detour route, it was quite quick becasue the were no cars on the road and nobody at the bus stops. We then managed to catch the last 230 (which came immediately!), and i got off at Blackhorse Road station, and Alex continued on to Walthamstow Central. Got home feeling nice and tired in the early hours of the morning, but it was well worth it.

Off to Reading either today or tomorrow, havnt quite decided how bothered i am to go yet. But have to go for work... which sucks. Will be back Sunday. So till then, laters people - x -

sounds fab! :)
Reading...yeah not too long till we move there "permanently" lol! can't wait though! own house, seeing everyone again and parties lol! Did I tell you? I'm going up on the 24th...or that's when I'm being thrown out! kidding, it's the best day to go cos my dad is free then. Have nice weekend and speak to you soon! xxxx

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  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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