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I 'ofeer' you this post after a long time of absence... (3/04/07)

Wow ive been neglecting this once again. In truth im surprised ive found time to write this right now, ive had very little free time of late where ive been able to just do nothing. End of last term was great, had 2 great friends come up to stay with me which was fun. Lots of drinking and LOADS of going out clubbing. Whilst one of them was up i nearly ended up in Whiteknights Lake, with a little helping push from Dan. Going back from the Union however we came across a great 'ofeer' that none of us could refuse - inside joke among a select few that will go down in history courtesy of PFC.

Was going to return to the 'Stow on the last friday of last term but after ringing home i was basically told not to come home till the following thursday. At the time i was very unhappy with that, as some people know, but now i can appreciate it coz its an absolute bombsite here. The loft is finished with parents up there now, my sisters room is now done and we spent the weekend moving all her stuff in there, my old bedroom is now a fully pledged bathroom, and now my room-to-be is starting to progress. It's been emptied, wallpaper stripped, skirting boards removed, etc. Currently sleeping on my sister's floor. Moving her stuff across was quite fun...ish...till we got to the wardrobe which had no hope in hell of being moved out of the room in one piece, so my dad and i had to take the wardrobe apart in such a way that it could be put back together again... achieved it though somehow. Kitchen, old bathroom/toilet and conservatory are now empty and totally unfunctional ( conservatory, until a couple of days ago, didnt even have a roof!) meaning we're pretty much living on takeaways and readymeals. Have I put on weight? You wish, last week at uni I weighed 12 stone - the most ive probably ever weighed in my life, before dropping down to 11.5 within 3 days. Now currently around 11 stone, though expect that to drop further as i fall into my depressing time of year - mid April. Apologies in advance if i get really anal with anyone, warning now that its likely to happen. Im fine atm though, in fact im quite happy :).

Done so much DIYing lately, as well a seeing people, going shopping, looking for stuff for my new room, etc. Its been ok since ive been back here, and yesterday I was SOOOO happy. I saw a silver Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 8 in the Edmonton Ikea carpark. Best car in the world, just had to take a picture. I miss being in Walthamstow ( I have my reasons ), its like i dont want to return to Reading... who knows, i might not. But in the meantime i need to find time to do an entire 10 credit module's worth of work ( the module is 100% coursework :( ) and start some revision. Got other things coming up too, supposed to be going Thorpe Park in the coming weeks, then the summer trip to Newquay. Out tomorrow once again, pubbing it with mates.

Till the next episode, tata -x-

About me

  • Name: Markie Mark
  • From: Walthamstow & Reading, United Kingdom
  • Im a friendly person, many people say im a joker, good to talk to, sporty, about 5ft 10", short black hair, brown eyes, apparently nice smile (apparently even when im not smiling), occassionally injury-prone, raised in Tottenham and Walthamstow...
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